Saturday, 25 February 2017

Our newest member Huntley.

Butterfly Hatched!

Sensory Play Exploration

Chocolate Gloop

Masterton Big Day Out

A big thank you to our parents who came to keep us happy and safe.  Thank you Sue, Malo and Travis.


Exploring new playground.

Visiting the deer park.

Swimming Time

Basketball with former Tall Black Miles Pearce!

Miles teaching Inas how to do a 'jump stop'.
 Aiden borrowing Miles' sunglasses.

 Practising dribbling step-by-step.

Miles thought Ruma Toru were AMAZING at listening and trying!!

Science In a Van

Our favourite part - the Bubble Show!

SNAG stands for Starting New at Golf

Nearly there

Its been a chrysalis for 14 days!!

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Lifecycle of a Butterfly

Two caterpillars on our swan plant are now chrysalis.  We are watching to see how long they are a chrysalis for.  Hopefully we can see them turn into butterflies.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Our Golden Rule

Rules keep us happy and safe.  Our Golden Rule has five words.
'We look after each other.' The children have signed the treaty with their finger prints.